May 2024 Newsletter
April 2024 Newsletter
November 2023 Newsletter
As you all are aware, last April our Division hold the elections for our future president. Once the polls have closed and the votes have been counted, I am very happy to announce that our next Division President will be Marija Davecheva! I would like to congratulate her and Stéphanie Racine, who was the second most voted and who will serve as our next First Vice-President. Both Marija and Stéphanie have done an outstanding work during the past years and I am sure their experience and their eagerness to improve will result in a great advance of our Division in the years to come. Congratulations!!
Current Issues and Challenges of Women in Psychology
IAAP Division 15, Students and Early Career Psychologists celebrated International Women's Day by participating in this event, organized by Global Psychology Student Committee, APA Division 48 and Division 15 of IAAP
Our are deeply sorry to inform you that, due to the current crisis caused by Covid-19, the two International Congresses Division 15 was going to sponsor (the 34th EFPSA Congress and the XI Encuentro Internacional de Estudiantes de Psicología – Psicoencuentro 2020) have been cancelled. It is a pity that we won´t be able to meet there, but health and safety must always come first. However, we are currently discussing how to keep on the agreement for all of you to be able to assist with reduced fares to the next Meetings that both organisations hold.
Division 15 is launching a new project for young researchers to share what projects they are involved in. Whethere you feel a little bit stuck and you would like to get fresh ideas or you just would simply like to spread the word about your project, VidRESEARCH is your channel. Click here for more information on the project.
Hi dear colleagues! As the new term has started, we'd like to know a little more about you and in what are you interested. Thus, here you can find a fast-filling survey for giving us more information about what would you like to find in our division. Together, we can achieve what we pursue! Thanks for it!
Please follow this link to a read a letter from your new Division 15 President, Pedro Altungy.
← Return to Division 15: Students and Early Career Psychologists