Dear Division 15 colleagues,
As you all remember, last March 2022 we hold a poll asking you all whether you would agree to change the name of our Division, in order to reflect the reality of its members. As we learned in the Early Career Marathon, early career psychologists have already a lot of experience; an experience that could be used for leading and inspiring new generations of psychologists within IAAP. Having them within Division 15 will allow making the flow of knowledge and experience, from our IAAP senior members and recognized professionals to those starting, more smoothly, being these early career psychologists the intermediate link. The support for the name change proposal was outstanding: 93.75% of you agreed to it.
Thus, taking into consideration the enthusiasm we all showed for the new name proposal, the next step has been to formally submit it to the IAAP BoD, at its annual meeting, which took place last May 31st and June 1st. It is my pleasure to announce to you, my dear Division colleagues that, after being voted, the BoD has officially supported the change of the name of our Division! So, from now on, we are Division 15: Students and Early Career Psychologists.
Congratulations to you all for this brave movement forward, which will help the further development of our Division. And, as always, never forget, that today´s students and early career psychologists are the future of our beloved discipline. Thanks to you all!
Pedro Altungy
Division 15 Past President
Division 15 aims to promote and support a network of students who share a common interest in international development, teaching, trends, applications, and research in applied psychology. Activities include exchanging scientific knowledge; sharing useful information for students such as mobility programs, scholarships, research grants, studying and working abroad; and promoting international and cross-cultural research.
President: Marija Davcheva
Past President: Pedro Altungy
Meet us here and also at our social media sites. Division 15 has active gatherings of students on
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