In this section will appear any document related to the work of clinical and research groups located all around the world. Send documents describing your research and practice groups to the Division 6 President.
IUPsyS (International Union of Psychological Sciences). President IAAP Division 6, Maria Paz Garcia Vera, is also Spanish Delegate of the IUPsyS.
The last IUPsyS Assembly held on 10 July 2014 in Paris, France endorsed the IUPsyS Executive Committee proposal for an IUPsyS Presidential Task Force on the United Nations (PTFUN). The purpose of the Task Force is to conduct a review of UN documents leading to the identification and development of meaningful and realistic opportunities for IUPsyS to collaborate with the United Nations, its Commissions, related Agencies and other constituencies. These should be areas where the application of psychological science and practice can potentially contribute to solving problems that have broad significance for human welfare and development globally. The specific mandates of the PTFUN include the following: Identify applicable psychological expertise (people, concepts, interventions ideas, and directions for the development of future research and applications); Create a database of psychologists currently engaged (or have been engaged) with the UN in New York, its other offices, or in their respective countries; Identify examples of effective use of psychological science at the UN (global, regional or national levels), areas of challenges, best practice models, and other relevant information; and develop a plan for IUPsyS collaboration with the UN that can be realistically implemented. According to these aims, IAAP President of the Division 6 completed a questionnaire by February 19th, 2016, and sent it to Saths Cooper, President of the IUPsyS to improve some inputs about how our IAAP Division 6 members could help in following up the victims after a terrorist attack to be sure they recover and develop effective psychological interventions to promote their total recovery and return to life.
In addition, last December, according to the election procedure, IAAP President of the Division 6, Maria Paz García Vera, presented her nomination for Executive Committee Member of the IUPsyS. She was valid nomination, as other fourteen people. Elections will be held next July in Yokohama.
EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists' Associations). Tuomo Tikkanen, member of the executive committee and advisor of Division 6 has been involved in different societies and activities. As a Member of the Presidents Council of the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations EFPA until 31.12.2015; this function includes and advisory role as to how European psychology and the profession of psychologists should be promoted in Europe - and active participation in the EFPA General Assembly in Milan in July 2015. And as a Member of the EFPA Task Force on EU Calls; this function includes introducing proposals on how European psychology and psychologists might be funded by the European authorities, mainly European Union and European Council; this function continues until EFPA General Assembly in Amsterdam in July 2015.
Nordic Psychological Association's Cooperational Committee. Tuomo Tikkanen, member of the executive committee and advisor of Division 6, has participated as a member of the Nordic Psychological Association's Cooperational Committee until 31.12.2015; This position implied the exchange of information and adoption of best practices of clinical psychology within the five Nordic countries, i.e. Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland, and
SEPCyS (Sociedad Española para el Avance de la Psicología Clínica y de la Salud Siglo XXI-The Spanish Society Association for the Advancement of Clinical and Health Psychology XXI Century). This society arose with the aim of becoming a reference in the field of Clinical Psychology and Health in Spain, and for encouraging scientific and professional progress in Psychology.President IAAP Division 6, Maria Paz Garcia-Vera was SEPCyS President from 2010 to 2011, after having belonged for 5 years to the Executive Committee of this Spanish Association. As well, web editors Clara Gesteria, Noelia Moran, Rocio Fausor, and Pedro Altungyare members of SEPCyS. Thus, Division 6 actively collaborates with SEPCyS, taking part in some of their congress and assisting to specific training courses and professional meetings:
SEP (Sociedad Española de Psicología- Spanish Society of Psychology, now División Académica de Psicología del Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos- Division of Academic Psychology of General Council of Associations of Psychologists). It has been created a proposal of collaboration with SEP in order to improve the Spanish and internationals young Phds and their presence not only in academic organizations, but also in private sector. Several members of our Division 6 are involved. IAAP President of the Division 6, Maria Paz Garcia Vera and the professor Dr. José María Prieto are the coordinators of this proposal. Division 6 web editors Clara Gesteira, Noelia Morán and Pedro Altungy are also on board. The main objectives of this project are: To create a strategic network of support in which PhDs could converge with business world and to generate a virtual community service focused on national and international mobility, networking equipment, research, business and publication in scientific and technical journals. In order to strengthen the presence of young doctors as an added value for companies, this proposal has been directly sent to banks and other private companies as well.
UME (Unidad Militar de Emergencias-Military Emergency Unit): Last May 2015, the “Comandante Sánchez Gey” Chair was created due to an agreement between Complutense University of Madrid and Defense Ministry. Several members of our Division 6 are involved. IAAP President of the Division 6, Maria Paz Garcia Vera is Director of this Chair. Web editors Clara Gesteria, Noelia Moran, Rocio Fausor, and Pedro Altungy are also members of this Chair. The overall objective of this collaboration is the development of training activities, professional certification, as well as research, development and innovation (R + D + i), in the field of psycho-social support in the context of emergencies and disasters. During last year, we have been developing specific training for professionals who provide psychosocial support in emergency and disaster. In the future it is also planned to create the "psychosocial emergency Focus Group: GEPSE", in order to ensure excellence in psychological preparation of professional groups. Development of R + D + i in the field of psychological intervention in emergencies is another main objective, for what it will be created a Joint Centre UME-UCM Research. This centre will promote research to improve procedures for psychological and social intervention in the disasters field.
AVT (Asociación de Víctimas del terrorismo-Association of Victims of Terrorism). IAAP Division 6 has been collaborating with this association from January 2011, thanks to an agreement between Complutense University of Madrid (research group: Psychological treatment of disorders related to stress) and AVT. IAAP President of the Division 6, Maria Paz Garcia Vera, and professor Jesús Sanz Fernández are the main investigators of the research group, with Clara Gesteria, Noelia Moran, Rocio Fausor, and Pedro Altungy as active members of it.This specific research line focused on victims of terrorism has different objectives. One of the most important is the psychological assessment and assistance of terrorism victims in Spain. As a part of a larger study, throughout the last year, this research team has been conducting, monitoring and doing specific treatment for victims of terrorism in Spain. Hence, some doctoral dissertations and more brief research works have been produced by IAAP members. Another goal is to collaborate in academic congresses, conferences or courses. An example of that is the 5th edition of the Comprehensive Attention of Terrorism Victims course at Complutense University. The Complutense research team also collaborates with another association of victims related, APAVT (Asociación-Plataforma de Apoyo a las Víctimas del Terrorismo - Association/Platform of Victims of Terrorism support). This association tries to bring non victim people closer to the victims support.
RedPAVT (Red Nacional de Psicólogos para la atención a víctimas del terrorismo-National Network of Psychologists for Victims of terrorism care). Besides President Mª Paz García Vera and Division 6 editors, other members of our division are actively participating in this professional network, created by Spanish Government in June 2015. The main goals of this network are, firstly, ensuring the experience and quality necessary for psychological care of victims of terrorism, and secondly, sharing protocols, specialized training, priority access to resources, studies, research, and exchange of experiences for psychologists with expertise in this specific area.
Finnish Psychological Association. Tuomo Tikkanen, member of the executive committee and advisor of Division 6, has been full-time President of the Finnish Psychological Association until 31.12.2015. This function includes active contact with the Finnish Parliament and Ministry of Health and Social Affairs to have more psychologists working within the health system, work places, family services, schools and universities. He has also been President of the Finnish Federation of Psychology Organisations which includes arranging the main Psychology event in Finland in August 2016, i.e. the National Congress of Psychology, together with the Finnish universities, scientists and professionals.