This page lists the most important events for clinical and community psychology, actualized every year.
XI CEP-PIE Congress - Madrid - April 3th-5th
Next Wednesday, April 5th, Division 6 will have the opportunity to show its work and activities in the XI Annual National Congress of the Spanish Psychology Students Association (CEP-PIE). We will be pleased to explain to all the assisstants the work done by our Division, which is open to all the current and future psychologists who want to have an active role in the development of our field. Divisions 6 and 15 will collaborate in this thrilling experience of opening our doors to the creators of the future. The title of our presentation will be "How can I participate in the creation of the tomorrow's psychology? Challenges and participation oportunities in IAAP Division 6 and Division 15. The Congress will take place in Madrid between April 3th and 5th. Programme can be found here. Our presentation will take place in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Psychology College, on April 5th at 10:00. For inscriptions, write an e-mail to What are you waiting for? See you there!!
Speakers: Clara Gesteira, Noelia Morán, Rocío Fausor and Pedro Altungy, Division 6 editors.

We would like to call your attention to the Yokohama Congress which will take place between July 24th-29th. Here you can get more information about the main activities which will be held:
Besides, we would like to present you the different activities that remarked members of our division will hold during the Yokohmana Congress:
- INVITED ADDRESS: Recovering emotionally after a terrorist attack: insights from Psychology. Garcia-Vera, Maria Paz (Spain). Introduction by Shamala, Kumar (Spain). The conference will take place in the Conference Center 3F 315 on Thursday 28th, from 16:20 to 17:00.
- INVITED SYMPOSIUM: Psychology, Terrorism and National Emergency. Organizer and Co-Organizer: Prieto, José M. (Spain). The conference will take pace in the Conference Center 5F 503 on Monday 25th, from 8:40 to 10:40. The topics which will be discussed will be the following:
- The art of concealment and disguise. Prieto, Jose M (Spain).
- The Terrorist Mind and Social Psychological Manipulation. Nishida, Kimiaki (Japan).
- The media dynamics of war: legitimization of violent action. Lopez-López, Wilson (Colombia).
- Does what doesn’t kill you make you stronger? Effects of previous and subsequent traumatic events in the long-term mental health of victims of terrorism. Garcia-vera, Maria Paz (Spain); Sanz,Jesus; Moran, Noelia; Gesteira, Clara; Pedro, Altungy Efficacy of stress management training for emergency personnel in situations involving radiation and chemical contaminants. Sanz, Jesus (Spain); Garcia-Vera, Maria Paz; Eduardo, Samper; Jesus, Peraza.
The Discussant will be García Vera, María Paz (Spain) and López-López, Wilson (Colombia).
- OR26-90-2 The role of depressive dysfunctional attitudes in posttraumatic stress disorder in victims of terrorism Sanz, Jesus (Spain); Fausor, Rocio; Garcia-vera, Maria Paz; Gesteira, Clara;Gutierrez, Sara; Reguera, Belen; Moran,Noelia.
- OR27-22-4 Efficacy of psychological treatment in victims of terrorism who suffer from mental disorders in the very long term Garcia-vera, Maria Paz (Spain); Gesteira, Clara; Sanz, Jesus; Moreno, Natalia; Zapardiel, Alejandro; Altungy, Pedro; Navarro, Roberto; Moran, Noelia.
- OR27-36-5 New diagnostic criteria for PTSD: testing DSM-5 in victims of terrorist attacks. Sanz, Jesus (Spain); De Miguel, Carmen; Garcia-vera, Maria Paz; Gesteira, Clara;Moran, Noelia; Navarro, Roberto; Altungy,Pedro; Reguera, Belen.
Annual Activities
- IX Congreso (Inter) Nacional de Psicología Jurídica y Forense. February 25th – 27th, Madrid. Spain.
- IX Jornadas de Neuropsicología. October 7th and 8th, Madrid. Spain
- IV Congreso Internacional de la Red Iberoamericana de Apego (RIA). March, 15th – 18th, Bogotá. Colombia
- XI Congreso Nacional sobre Trastornos de la Personalidad. May, 26th – 28th, Toledo. Spain.
- International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development. June 23th – 25th, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- 31st International Congress of Psychology. (IPC16) July 24th – 29th, Yokohama. Japan.
- 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. August 4th – 7th, Denver, Colorado.
- VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación para el Estudio de la Adquisición del Lenguaje (AEAL). September 7th – 9th, Palma de Mallorca. Spain.
- II International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents. November, 17th- 19th, Barcelona. Spain.
- 168th Annual Meeting American Psychiatric Association (APA). May 16th-20th, Toronto, Canada.
- ICAP 2015: 17th International Conference on Applied Psychology. May 28th-29th, Tokyo, Japan.
- IV 4th World Congress on Positive Psychology. June, 25th-28th Lake Buena Vista, florida, USA.
- The 14th European Congress of Psychology. July 7th-10th, Milan, Italia.
- 73rd Annual Conference of the International Council of Psychologists. August 1st-3rd.!ICP-2015-73th-Annual-Conve...
- V Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Emocional (ICEI). September 17th-19th, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- XI Congreso Internacional Sociedad española de ansiedad y estrés (SEAS). September 15th-17th, Valencia, Spain.
- V Jornadas sobre "Emociones y Bienestar" XXII Reunión Anual de la SEAS. October, 1st-2nd, Madrid, Spain.
- I International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology with Children and Adolescents. November 19th-2th, Madrid, Spain.
- VIII Congreso Internacional y XIII Nacional de Psicología Clínica.November, 19th-22th. Granada, Spain.
- VII Congreso de Psicología y Educación/I Congreso INFAD. April 9th-13th, Badajoz, Spain.
- II Congreso Nacional de Psicología Positiva. May 8th-10th, Castellón, Spain.
- 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP). July 8th-13th, Paris, France.
- The 7th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR). September, 3rd-6th, Madrid, Spain.
- IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología. September 9th-13th, Lisboa. Portugal.
- XI Congreso Internacional Sociedad española de ansiedad y estrés (SEAS). September, 11th-13th, Valencia, Spain.
- VII Congreso Internacional y XII Nacional de Psicología Clínica. November, 14th-16th, Sevilla, Spain.
- Third World Congress on Positive Psychology, June, 27th -30th, Los Angeles, USA,
- 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality & Social Psychology; January 17th-19th, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- 12th World Congress on Stress, Trauma & Coping, February 19th- 26th, Baltimore, USA,
- 2nd Annual International Conference on Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology (CBP), February 25th-26th, Singapore, Singapore.
- International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends, April 26th- 28th, Madrid, Spain.
- 71st Annual Convention, International Council of Psychologists, July 4th-7th, Jakarta.
- V Congreso Internacional de Psicología-X Taller Internacional de Psicología Latinoamericana y del Caribe.July 17th-21th, Santiago Cuba, Cuba.
- 7th World Congress of Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies, July, 22th-25th,Lima, Perú.
- 5th International Conference on Licensure, Certification, and Credentialing in Psychology. July 9th-13th, Sweden, Stockholm.
- 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP) Stockholm, Sweden 9th-12th, Sweden, Stockholm.
- 34th Interamerican Congress of Psychology. July 15th-19th, Brasilia, Brasil.