
Task Force on Terrorism and Peace Building


The IAAP Board created a Task Force on Terrorism and Peace Building during its 2016 meeting in Yokohama.  Violence and terrorism are profoundly changing the world we live in, affecting our effectiveness, security and well-being. A better understanding of what spurs violence and terrorism in today’s world is needed to develop more effective approaches to thwart violence and terrorism in the world.  


Current Activity


The primary aim of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) Task Force on Terrorism and Peace Building is to engage members of the psychology community (teachers, researchers, practitioners, and students) in the issue of terrorism.  


The mandate of the IAAP Task Force on Terrorism and Peace Building is to report on the contributions of psychological research to the understanding of psychological dimensions of terrorism, provide research and policy recommendations for psychological science, and propose actions that IAAP could or should take to assist psychologists’ engagement with the issue of terrorism.   


To fulfill its mandate, the Task Force will:  

  1. Summarize research illustrating a psychologically informed understanding of terrorism in terms of its causes, impacts and remedies;
  2. Formulate research and policy recommendations for psychological science to address the issues of terrorism;
  3. Make recommendations to the IAAP Board of Directors as to what actions IAAP should take to enlist psychologists in the fight against terrorism and play an enduring and expanding role in helping humanity to find a path to peace.

Task Force Members

  • Arie Kruglanski, Member.
  • Ashley Navarro, Coordinator.
  • Christine Roland-Lévy, Ex-Officio Member.
  • Daniel Dodgen, Member.
  • Janel Gauthier, Member.
  • María Paz García-Vera, Past Chair.
  • Rocío Fausor, Chair.
  • Stevan Hobfoll, Member.
  • Wilson López López, Member.

In this picture, members of the IAAP Task Force on Terrorism and Peacebuilding. From left to right: James Kagaari (past member), Daniel Dodgen (member and President-Elect of Division 6), Janel Gauthier (ex-officio member and past IAAP President), and María Paz García-Vera (past Chair of the Task Force on Terrorism and Peacebuilding and President of Division 6).

Task Force on Terrorism and Peace Building Communiqué

The IAAP Board created a Task Force on Terrorism and Peace Building during its 2016 meeting in Yokohama.  Violence and terrorism are profoundly changing the world we live in, affecting our effectiveness, security and well-being. A better understanding of what spurs violence and terrorism in today’s world is needed to develop more effective approaches to thwart violence and terrorism in the world.  

Click here to read Janel Gauthier, Past-President of IAAP communiqué about the Task Force on Terrorism and Peace Building on July 2016.

Sharing Resources

One of the main objetives on the Task Force on Terrorism and Peace Building is sharing interesting information about diferent areas about research, clinical intervention, prevention of attacks, prevention of negative consequences or political programs developed in the world on terrorism or other related issues.