
The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact and the Role Young Psychologists Have Played in Giving Support to Their Communities - Presented by Division 15, Students

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact and the Role Young Psychologists Have Played in Giving Support to Their Communities - Presented by Division 15, Students

By now it is clear that COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed our world. Academically speaking, it has challenged the way we are used to learn, teach, research, and relate. It is perhaps the first time that the academic process, for the most part, has shifted from being in person to mainly on-line, thus creating challenges, but also new opportunities. We should be able to first analyze the impact the pandemic has had on students all around the world, thus being able to propose ways of overcoming the obstacles and make a virtue out of necessity. Within this process, today students play a major role, as they are experiencing the consequences, and they are also the ones who, for the first time in history, belong to a digital-native generation, which makes them one of the most prepared for providing the best answer to this situation.   

In this webinar, Division 15 aims to provide a detailed picture about the impact of the global pandemic on the way students were used to learning, and its implications. Then, we will give examples of how psychology students and early career psychologists from different parts of the world have firsthand provided solutions to the challenges our societies have had to face in the last 11 months. 

We hope you enjoy this webinar as much as we have had preparing it! 


Pedro Altungy, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Stéphanie Racine MauriceLaval University, Quebec City, Canada

Jeanne Proulx-Villeneuve, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada 

Rayna Sadia, Riphah International University Islamabad, Pakistan

Presented on February 12, 2021

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