
Making Use of IMPACCT in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evolution of a Health Literacy Educational Program to Improve Patient-centered Communication Competences by Addressing Students Digitally - Presented by Division 8, Health Psychology

Making Use of IMPACCT in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evolution of a Health Literacy Educational Program to Improve Patient-centered Communication Competences by Addressing Students Digitally

Almost 50% of the European population have low health literacy, meaning they have difficulties to obtain and understand health-related information, to discuss such information with healthcare professionals and to make informed decisions regarding their health. The IMPACCT project (IMproving PAtient-centered Communication CompeTencies) created an educational programme aimed at developing (future) health professionals’ skills to better support patients with low health literacy.

In this webinar we:

  • explore the challenge of balancing between taking a generalist perspective in order to maximise the programme’s reach across Europe and tailoring its content to national characteristics in order to ensure its relevance for local healthcare providers
  • discuss the benefit of including stakeholders (such as students, patients, health & educational experts) at all stages of the development process
  • address the effects of the recent Corona pandemic on teaching in higher education and the opportunities that the situation may present, including adaptations to flexibly switch between face-to-face and online teaching


Roberta Papa
Regional Health Agency Marche Region (Italy)

Dr. Annalena Welp
Health Psychology & Behavioural Medicine
Jacobs University Bremen

Prof. Andrea De Winter
University Medical Center Groningen (The Netherlands)


Prof. Dr. Sonia Lippke
Health Psychology & Behavioural Medicine
Jacobs University Bremen

Presented on June 11, 2020

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