
Board Members


Igor Areh
Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Igor Areh is an Associate Professor (Reader) in Forensic Psychology at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia, EU. His lectures and research work focus, mainly on interviews of witnesses, crime victims, and suspects. In his successfully defended 2008 PhD thesis in psychology, he researched gender differences in eyewitness memory recall. In recent years, his research interests moved towards suspect interviews focused on two main themes: detecting deceit and the investigative interview. He also works as a criminal investigation advisor, mainly by evaluating the veracity of suspects’ statements, as well as an expert witness in court. Igor teaches psychology in criminal justice, forensic psychology, and investigative psychology.


Anthony Cole
Specialist in Forensic and Forensic Clinical Psychology, Australia

Anthony Cole is a specialist in Forensic and Forensic Clinical Psychology and has had many years of experience working in both Civil and Criminal Forensic areas of practice providing expert opinions and consultation ranging from Local Courts and Tribunals to Federal and Supreme Courts. He is a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society and also a Fellow of both the Australian Psychological Society’s College of Forensic Psychologists (FCFP) and the College of Clinical Psychologists (FCCLP). Within the APS, he has been a member of the National Council (now the Board of Directors), Chairperson of the College of Forensic Psychologists for two full three-year terms, Secretary of the National Committee of the Division of Professional Affairs, a member of the National Committee of the Division of Scientific Affairs and of the APS Education and Training Committee. He has also been both a Forensic Associate Editor and a Forensic Special Topic Editor for the ‘Australian Psychologist’, the official applied practice and public policy journal of the Australian Psychological Society.


Fanny Verkampt, Associate Professor 
Maison de la Recherche, Université Toulouse 2 Jean-Jaurès, 5, allées Antonio Machado, 31 058, Toulouse Cedex 9 - France 

Fanny Verkampt specializes in the conduct of, and research on, investigative interviews with children and young people, and factors that may impact the quality and the reliability of eyewitness testimony. A particular focus of her research is in the development of investigative interview methods designed to support the recollection of memories and to make witnesses' descriptions of facts more comprehensible for fact finders. Her recent research concentrates on the interview practices of young victims of Human Trafficking and other migration related issues. She chairs the IAAP special project “Immigration and Refugees” ( Fanny is member of the Memory, Evaluation and Judgement Group within the Work and Cognition Lab of the University of Toulouse.


Lara Maria Pezzicoli

Lara Maria is an undergraduate student at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia.



This committee is composed of two academics and practitioners, all experts in the Psycholegal and Forensic Psychology areas.

Alfred Allan
School of Arts and Humanities, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Australia

After practicing as a lawyer, Alfred Allan became a full-time academic and commenced his studies in psychology qualifying as a clinical and later forensic psychologist. He has taught law, psychology and professional ethics in Law, Medical and Psychology Schools in South Africa and Australia. He is a member of the inaugural Psychologists Board of Australia a director and the chair of the Standing Committee on Ethics of the International Association for Applied Psychology (IAAP) and a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society (APS). He has served on the boards of national professional organizations and is a past president of the Psychology and Law Division of the IAAP, Australian and New Zealand Association for Psychiatry, Psychology and Law and a past chair of the APS College of Forensic Psychologists, the Ethics Committee of the APS, the Ethics Committee of the Psychology Association of South Africa; and of the Working Group that reviewed the Australian Psychological Society's Code of Ethics. He is on the editorial committee of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law and the editorial board of Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine and Ethics and Behavior and has served on various state government committees, such as the Dangerous Sexual Offender Review Committee. He frequently presents continuing professional development workshops and publishes widely in psychology, legal and medical journals.

Colin Tredoux, Professor
Department of Psychology, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X1,Rondebosch 7701, South Africa

Colin Tredoux collaborates actively with researchers in Germany, France, United Kingdom, China, South Africa, Qatar, Canada, and the United States. His research is funded by the National Research Foundation, the Bernard van Leer Foundation, and the University of Cape Town. Particular lines of inquiry at the moment concern the nature of face processing when viewing faces from other groups, creating synthetic faces for application and for research, disaggregating encoding and retrieval processes in face recognition, and a number of other topics in the areas of eyewitness and face recognition research. Colin is a member of the Eyewitness Memory Group within the Department of Psychology of the University of Cape Town (