The constitution of IAAP identifies the governance of the association in article 3: "The Board of Directors, broadly representative of the membership, determines Association policies and has final authority over the affairs of the Association. The Board of Officers, which serves as the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, administers the operations of the Association under the oversight of the Board of Directors".
Article 7 provides further details: "The Board of Directors shall have final authority over the affairs and funds of the Association. Members of the Board of Directors must be Full Members in good standing. The President of the Student Division shall serve ex officio on the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of the Association, President, the President Elect, the Past President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, and any additional officers approved by the Board of Directors; the Presidents and Presidents-Elect of the Divisions; and not less than 24 and not more than 45 Members-at-large".
On a regular basis election to the Board of Directors occurs every four years at the start of every International Congress of Applied Psychology and exceptionally during the meeting held during International Congresses of Psychology sponsored by the IUPsyS.
Lori Foster
United States of America
Pedro Neves
Past President
Christine Roland-Lévy
Pedro Altungy
Kurt Geisinger
United States of America
- Division 1: Work and Organizational Psychology
Vincente Martinez-Tur, Spain, President
Kristina Potocnik, Scotland, President-Elect
- Division 2: Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
Dragos Iliescu, Romania, President
Paula Elosua, Spain, President-Elect
- Division 3, Psychology and Societal Development
Purnima Singh, India, President
Maria José Baeza Rivera, Chile, President-Elect
- Division 4: Environmental Psychology
Sabine Pahl, Austria, President
Marino Bonaiuto, Italy, President-Elect
- Division 5: Education, Instructional and School Psychology
Katariina Salmela-Aro, Finland, President
Vítor Alexandre Coelho, Portugal, President-Elect
- Division 6: Clinical and Community Psychology
Tim Hannan, Australia, President
Rocio Fausor, Spain, President-Elect
- Division 7: Applied Geropsychology
Buxin Han, China, President
- Division 8, Health Psychology
Yiqun Gan, China, President
John de Wit, Netherlands, President-Elect
- Division 9: Economic Psychology
Erik Hoelzl, Germany, President
Edoardo Lozza, Italy, President-Elect
- Division 10: Psychology, Law, and Ethics
Igor Areh, Slovenia, President
Anthony Cole, Australia, President-Elect
- Division 11, Political Psychology
Ronald Fischer, New Zealand, President
- Division 12: Sport Psychology
Montse Ruiz, Finland, President
Xavier Sanchez, France, President-Elect
- Division 13: Traffic and Transportation Psychology
Bryan Porter, United States of America, President
Henriette Wallén Warner, Sweden, President-Elect
- Division 14: Applied Cognitive Psychology
Usha Kiran Subba, Nepal, President
Parichehr Sharifi, Berlin, President-Elect
- Division 15: Students and Early Career Psychologists
Marija Davcheva, Spain, President
- Division 16: Counseling Psychology
Zhijin Hou, China, President
Lea Ferrari, Italy, President-Elect
- Division 17: Professional Practice
Susan McDaniel, United States of America, President
Timothy Carey, Rwanda, President-Elect
- Division 18: History of Applied Psychology
Richard Mababu, Spain, President
Hugo Klappenbach, Argentina, President-Elect
- Harris Shah Abd Hamid, Malaysia
- Wolfgang Beiglboeck, Austria
- Saswata Biswas, India
- Sheyla Blumen, Peru
- Klaus Boehnke, Germany
- Serge da Motta Veiga, France
- Renan de Almeida Sargiani, Brazil
- Annamaria Di Fabio, Italy
- David Dozois, Canada
- Ferdinando Fornara, Italy
- Nuria Gamero, Spain
- Yiqun Gan, China
- James Kagaari, Uganda
- Erich Kirchler, Austria
- Gosia Kozusznik, Belgium
- Judy Kuriansky, USA
- Jeremy Lemoine, England
- Jacobus Maree, South Africa
- Alexander Newman, Australia
- Diana Prescott, USA
- Walter Reichman, USA
- Glyn Roberts, Norway
- Raymond Saner, Switzerland
- Giuseppe Scaratti, Italy
- Ralf Schwarzer, Germany
- Tomoki Sekiguchi, Japan
- Tushar Singh, India
- Ute Stephan, England
- Yanjie Su, China
- Anwarul Hasan Sufi, Bangladesh
- Akira Tsuda, Japan
- Richu Wang, China
- Kan Zhang, China
- Liqi Zhu, China
- Michael Zirkler, Switzerland
- Michael Frese, Malaysia (President 2002-2006)
- Michael Knowles, Australia (President 2006-2010)
- Jose Maria Peiró, Spain (President 2011-2014)
- Janel Gauthier, Canada (President 2014-2018)