
Division 7: Applied Gerontology

Welcome to Division 7: Applied Gerontology

Applied Gerontology is typified by three areas of interest: age (concerned with difference between people of different ages), aging (deals with changes in functioning across the life span), and the aged (focused upon the elderly). Essentially the aim is to help people adjust to age and aging so as to add life to years rather than years to life, especially through having a positive self-perception on aging and keeping active both physically and mentally.

President: Buxin Han

Past President: Despina Moraitou

Letter to Division Members

Call for Reviewers: 2023 Beijing ICAP

Join the team of reviewers who will select Division 7 sessions/papers to be presented in Beijing!

Please contact Despoina Moraitu, the Division Manager, as early as you can if you want to be part of this exciting team. The team will be filled up upon a first-come, first-served basis.

No prior reviewing experience is needed; however, reviewers must be members of Division 7. If you are not a member of the IAAP or Division 7, please click here to join.


Current Calls for Submissions